HIBANA Meetup in Kyoto

HIBANA is a community where we mingle international founders, Japanese founders, and those interested in startups or technologies, to create the “HIBANA” spark from this community.
Asu Capital Partners will co-host the first HIBANA @ KYOTO Event with Kyoto Prefecture at “KOIN” Kyoto on December 14th, 18:30 – 20:30.
We will invite some of the “Senpai” founders to the event as well as the supporters to give out some fireside chat about the current Japanese startup ecosystem.
🕺 Target participants for our event
International founders, potential founders, and students who are passionate about starting your business in Kyoto.
Japanese founders, potential founders who wanted to find co-founders or mingle with international founders.
Supporters who are interested in community. Anyone who has a passion for co-creating this community with us!
REGISTER NOW 👉👉👉 https://lu.ma/hibanakyoto
Language: English
18:00 Venue open
18:30-18:40 Opening Greetings & Introduction of HIBANA Community
18:40-19:10 Fireside Chat by Senpai founders: Joe Qiao (CEO of funfo https://funfo.co.jp) and Sesto Keisuke Ueda (Organizer of KIEC)
19:10-20:30 Networking Event
(We have an official after-party co-hosted with KIEC (Kyoto International Entrepreneurs Community))
Hosted by Asu Capital Partners
Co-hosted by Kyoto Prefecture
🎆 About HIBANA
HIBANA is a community hosted by Asu Capital Partners, where we mingle international founders, Japanese founders, and those interested in startups or technologies, to create the “HIBANA” spark from this community.
✉ Contact
Please contact us through Contact the Host on the event page (URL below).
開催日時 | 2023年12月14日(木)18:30 ~ 20:30 |
定員 | 50 |
料金 | free |
主催者名 | Asu Capital Partners、Kyoto Prefectural Government |
詳細URL | https://www.pref.kyoto.jp/sangyo-sien/starup_international_founders.html |
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